A BIG GIANT THANK YOU to Sara Sandoval for recommending Baby Einstein DVDs to get Kalin to sit still for more than 2 seconds. He will sit for 20 minutes in the chair and watch this particular DVD. I got him the Baby Da Vinci dvd from Netflix which goes through different body parts. We watch it probably 6 times a day. Well, it's on about 6 times a day - half the time he's just using it as background noise while he colors or plays with some toys. I enjoy the downtime
to sit with him and watch it. I am, however, getting kind of tired of this same one and look forward to receiving a couple more dvds before the week is over. We usually watch it during breakfast or snack time. We'll sit together in the chair with some Ritz crackers (a new favorite for both Kalin and I), a banana and Cheerios if it's in the morning, and his sippy cup while we watch the show. We haven't gotten to the point though where I can walk away and do something while he watches because he is still very attached to having mommy nearby. But that's OK for now because I am finding it quite enjoyable to sit with my little boy and watch him enjoy the show.
We got Kalin his very own potty. He has become so interested in the big toilet and loves to say "pee pee" while *cough cough* grabbing himself (he's going to thank me later on for putting that out there on the internet!) that we decided we might as well introduce him to the concept of actually going in a toilet. And this really is just an introduction - I'm not entering super-potty-training mode yet but I also didn't want his fascination with all things potty to pass us by. The only time he actually sits on it (without clothes - because he loves to sit on it with his clothes on) is right before his bath. We even tried putting his feet in a bucket of warm water before his bath to see if he would pee before his bath rather than during it. It didn't work but he did think it was pretty funny. I got a picture but I think I'll spare him that embarrassment and keep it for my eyes only (and maybe a few select family members).
He's been asking more often to color. I used to drag out our coloring board and crayons when we needed something to fill our time but he is actually asking to do it. However, there hasn't been a whole lot of actual coloring going on. It's mainly taking the crayons out of the plastic baggy then putting them back into the plastic baggy and also matching up the broken pieces by color then looking for my enthusiastic approval. When he does color though it's mainly lines. He doesn't do a whole lot of scribbling. He enjoys drawing lines. We've recently been experimenting with coloring with our toes. He thinks it's funny.
Several times a day I'll look at Kalin and be amazed at how old and big he has gotten. In my head he's still 6 months old. Of course, I'm almost 26 and still think I'm 20. I guess that's just the way life goes.
how fun - i love it!!
yes, it will be an interesting psychological study as our kids grow up in the first insanely documented generation whose mothers told the world about their endearing (ie: embarrassing) behaviors, every step of the way :)
ps - kalin is a DOLL.
pps - i want to see the potty pics!
Baby Einstein is like drugs for babies! I'm glad it's working for you. Mercy's favorite is Baby McDonald. She asks for it by making her rooster sound (something like doodle-oodle-oo). And, of course you know, we support the potty thing!
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