Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's a Girl!

Our ultrasound this past Thursday went well! It took way longer than it should have because this little girl was being stubborn. She refused to roll over so the tech could get a good look at her spine. We were in the ultrasound room for a good hour! The tech tried all the usual tricks but the baby wouldn't budge! Eventually she had me get up and go to the bathroom (to give the baby more room to move) and jump around a little. That seemed to work although it still took a little bit of persuasion on the tech's part to get her to roll over completely.

One Foot (don't worry, she has two. This is just a shot of one)

This apparently means it's a girl.

I love the spine pictures.


Corina said...

I LOVE ultrasound pictures.....those are fantastic. And I'm super excited that you are having a girl - congrats!

Sarah said...

the spine pic is amazing. i'm so happy for you!!

Sara S. said...

Girls are rad! Congratulations!