Sunday, May 10, 2009

My 3rd Mother's Day - Sort of

MyFirst Mother's Day (May 13, 2007) - Having just found out I was pregnant one week before I was looking foward to my first (sort of) Mother's Day. I had to work - which was unfortunate. What was even more unfortunate though was that it was my very first day of morning sickness. I deemed it quite appropriate that it would start on that particular day.

My Second Mother's Day (May 11, 2008) - Had a great time celebrating with Kasey and Kalin and loved the fact that I actually was a mommy this year and I had the baby in my arms to prove it!! We went to church, ate some Chinese food and hung out at home with our 4-month old. A couple weeks later I got my Mother's Day present. A full 2 HOURS all by myself at home!!! This had not happened since Kalin was born. The only time I had spent away from him at this point was to go grocery shopping or to a doctor's appointment. It was pure luxury! I think I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls while reclining in the chair and then laid in bed and read a book. Kasey and Kalin came home from their 2-hour outing with a card and some candy for me. That card hung on my fridge until today.

My Third Mother's Day (May 10, 2009) - I got one of my presents on Saturday. A beautiful gerbera daisy plant!! Kasey had Kalin hand me my other present this morning. A funny and very appropriate card with a Jamba Juice gift card inside and the promise of more time alone - either in the house or out on the town (the card didn't actually specify that but I'm assuming that I get to pick where I spend my time alone). I'm thinking about a haircut and a trip to Jamba Juice or a coffe shop where I will sit and read. We went out for donuts this morning before Kalin's nap and church. After church we headed to Watsonville to spend time with family where we ate some really good food and Kalin took a fabulous 2-hour nap!! He sure was happy and playful once he woke up and had a good time entertaining the family. They loved all of his babbling and his funny faces. I look forward to the day when Kalin understands Mother's Day and gets to help pick out my present. It'll be interesting to see what I end up with :-)

I actually did get out of the house by myself on Friday and I think seeing how happy and energetic that made me helped remind Kasey how much I need that and also what a great present that time alone would make. Or it's possible that he was already thinking about making that part of my present. I seem to remember talking last year and deciding that we should make my "alone time" a monthly thing....that never happened. Kasey took Friday off so I scheduled a much needed eye appointment then decided to run a few errands. I even bought myself something fun at K-Mart!! I spent a whole 3 hours away from the house by myself.

I hope everybody had a wonderful Mother's Day!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

i'm so glad you got some time to yourself :) good for you!!

happy mothers day, beautiful mama. you're awesome.