Thursday, January 28, 2010


Kalin and I took a trip into Santa Cruz this week to have a play date with our friends Sarah and Luke. We had been trying to plan this play date for a few weeks and for various reasons it kept getting postponed. I decided that even though it was raining (with a chance for pouring in the forecast) we were not going to cancel again! Thankfully, we actually had a nice drive to and from Santa Cruz. I am so glad that we didn't cancel because it was so good to visit with Sarah again and we loved watching our boys play together. I love the fact that they're both old enough to play and that they seem to enjoy each other's company.


Sarah said...

cute pictures! we're so glad you came over :-) the boys are really getting cute together.

Sara Sandoval said...

Lindsey, please blog again! We miss the updates.