Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm Back!

So, it's been about 4 months since my last post and I'm not even sure I have any followers left but I've decided that I should update. The first major update, which I'm sure everybody who reads this already knows, is that we've moved!! In March, Kasey accepted a job at Cal Baptist in Riverside doing the same job he was doing at Bethany. We moved at the beginning of April. We didn't have a place in Riverside at the time that we moved but Kasey's parents were gracious enough to let us (and about half of our stuff!) stay with them while we searched for a place to live. The search only took a couple days and we were able to move in by the end of that week. Hooray! Huge THANKS to all those who helped us move - both up north and down south (and especially to those who helped in both places!).

We're still working on getting fully settled in - there's still some boxes sitting around and we're still working on making the house feel like a home.

The second major update is that I'm pregnant! Baby Martin #2 is due at the end of November. We are currently 13 weeks along and I'm hoping that morning sickness is finally letting up for good. I think it will be much easier to finish getting our house put together once I'm feeling good and have more energy.


Corina said...

Congrats on both!! Send me new address sometime. Very excited about the new baby! : )

Drew and Kristin said...

Congrats on baby #2!! How exciting! I was wondering when you hadn't updated for a few months if you were pregnant and not feeling up to it. Hope you start feeling better soon!