Friday, January 9, 2009

A Little Bit of Life

Kalin and I have been on our own tonight. Kasey is in Marin tonight with the Junior High youth group from our church. Tomorrow they will be exploring a few places in San Francisco. If Kalin weren't sleeping through the night there is no way I would stay home alone with him. I think I would probably have run off to my parent's house. Thankfully, my parents are coming to visit tomorrow afternoon to ensure that Kalin and I don't go insane.

After dropping Kasey off at the church Kalin and I headed to the grocery store to pick up some soda and some batteries for my camera. We got home and it was time to make some dinner. We had a wonderful fare of scrambled eggs, toast, juice, banana, and to top it off, a little bowl of Life (Kalin had a few Cheerios). There is nothing like having breakfast for dinner. We had a blast together sitting at the table, eating, and listening to my Josh Groban station on Pandora. I had to put the camera on it's timer setting to get the pictures of us together and Kalin got a big kick out of the flashing light as the timer counted down.

After dinner, Kalin was gracious enough to let me get the dishes done. He entertained himself by wandering around the house finding different things to play with while spending most of his time in the kitchen pulling things off of shelves. After dishes it was bath time!! This is usually dad's thing with Kalin but tonight I had the privilege. We had a blast!! At one point, I was afraid he was going to poop. His bottom was in the water and all of a sudden there was a noise and a big bubble of air in the water. He made the funniest face then started laughing. It was priceless.

Before Kalin went to bed I made myself a bowl of air-popped popcorn from my new popper that Kasey gave me for Christmas!! After I got Kalin down I grabbed Kasey's laptop, poured myself some soda, and grabbed my popcorn. Then I hopped into bed ready for a fun evening of eating popcorn and watching something on the laptop. It's been fun but I must say, I miss having the presence of Kasey in the house. Now I only hope Kalin sleeps in tomorrow morning!! Goodnight!!
P.S. This picture is of Kalin walking around in his new big boy shoes. They have hard soles and it's been funny watching him try to walk around in them. He's used to going barefoot, in socks, or in his soft-soled shoes. He fell alot the first time he wore them but I'm making him practice every day and he's getting better. He looks like such a big boy in his shoes. He's a toddler, not a baby anymore.
This other picture is of the toy pony that I finally put together last night. We haven't hooked it up to the tv yet but we've put him on it to see what he thinks. His feet don't quite reach the ground yet so he might need our help with the bouncing and spinning but he's all smiles while he's on it.

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