Friday, February 20, 2009

Smarty Pants

Kalin is so smart. Here's a few of the fun things that he's been doing. Most of these are new skills that I've noticed just since my last post when I claimed to have nothing to write about.

1. He understands what "outside" means. When we mention going outside or ask him if he wants to go outside he'll go to the front door and try to open it.

2. He tries to repeat me when I say "hot", "off", and "on". It's hard to explain in writing what it sounds like but basically he'll whisper the "ho" from "hot" and the "o" sound from both "off" and "on". He also has developed his own way of saying "tickle" and "chicken". There's really no way of explaining that one in writing and he wouldn't cooperate when I tried to videotape him.

3. He understands when I ask him if he wants to brush his teeth. He'll go into the bathroom and point up at his toothbrush.

4. He's starting to sign "please"!!! This makes me so happy.

5. His "all done" sign is just throwing his arms straight up. I didn't actually intend to teach him that. I think I randomly did that a couple times one day and said "all done!!" and he copied me so now it's habit.

6. During the week, Kalin gets up while Kasey is getting ready for work and they hang out while I lounge in bed for a few extra minutes. Yesterday, as I opened the bedroom door, I was greeted by Kalin holding the nursing pillow. It was so funny. He knew I was in the bedroom so he was standing there with the pillow waiting for me to come out. It made me laugh and made my day!!

7. Kalin has a new tooth!! So this has nothing to do with him learning anything but it's exciting too!! This makes tooth #5. I'm hoping it's matching pair is also on it's way. His teeth come in pairs, usually within a week of each other. I think this is the first tooth since October.

8. I feel like we're getting close to hearing Kalin call Kasey "dad". He's been using the "da" and "dadadada" babblings more frequently and more often when Kasey's around and even once when he saw Kasey walk in the front door after work.

I just realized tonight that I haven't taken one picture of Kalin this week. How sad is that?!?! So here are some random, funny pictures from this month.

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