Friday, October 31, 2008

Kalin's Birth

So last night, Kasey and I were laying in bed reminiscing about Kalin's birth. The conversation all started when we were discussing what to have for dinner tonight...yeah, our conversations take weird twists and turns sometimes. Anyway, I thought since I started this blog so late in Kalin's life that I would go back to the beginning and post his birth story. This was written by my sister-in-law Koni (Kasey's sister) who attended Kalin's birth. She was a wonderful help to both Kasey and I during the whole labor and delivery process. I am so glad she was there to share in that special time. I am also glad that she wrote all of this down and kept a good record of what was happening because a few of the details are quite fuzzy for me...pain can do that to you :-) So here it is!!

The Epic Labor and Delivery
Kalin Robinson Martin

It was a dark and stormy night (not really but epics sound so much better when they begin that way). It was actually the middle of a Friday afternoon when Lindsey began to be aware of some contractions and pondered whether her water had broken. A trip to the local midwife revealed that it had not, but that Lindsey was in the early stages of labor and even a little dilated. Back home Kasey and Lindsey went.

This small event led to the alerting of the traveling sisters who began to make their traveling plans. Now, the traveling sisters are quite minor characters and are not actually sisters to one another, but they factor into the story nonetheless.

The contracting continued; the sisters traveled. The contracting continued; the sisters arrived. The contracting continued. Finally, after hours of contracting, Kasey and Lindsey decided to check in at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz to see what all that contracting was accomplishing.

In the early morning hours of December 30, 2007 it was discovered that Lindsey was about 2cm dilated. With contractions steadily coming 5 minutes apart there was hope that there would be some more progress in dilation, but alas this was not the case. At 7:45 am, two hours after the original check Lindsey was holding strong at 2cm.

After 2 days of contractions what Lindsey needed was sleep, so she was given a fabulous injection of morphine that she might enjoy a drug induced nap. And nap she did. The hope was that during this nap her contractions would either cease or strengthen and bring about more dilation. However, when she awakened at 12:30 pm it was only to find her dilation unchanged.

This was powerfully disappointing news which called for a powerful adjustment in plans. Lindsey, a gal who had hoped for an unmedicated birth, requested a pitocin induction, because she wanted to birth her baby. Lindsey asked the nurses, the nurses asked the midwife, the midwife asked the lady with the alligator purse (not really) and Lindsey was given the option to induce. She took the option and with a new hope ate a sandwich and prepared for a change in her contractions.

At 2:00 in the afternoon of the 30th the pitocin drip began. Lindsey and Kasey worked together as a team through these more intense contractions. By 8:40pm – progress! 4cm dilated and the midwife also broke her bag to further speed along the labor. The combination of pitocin and ruptured bag were effective in intensifying the contractions, and also in Lindsey deciding that the time had come to call for the epidural.

At 10:25pm Aunt Denise’s friend dropped by and placed the epidural. This was a fabulous choice for Lindsey. She was able to catch another nap – and dilate more. By 11:30 pm she had reached 5cm. At the 12:25 am check she was 8/9 cm. When she awakened at 2:00 am on December 31, 2007 the nurse’s check revealed she was completely dilated. The time had come to birth that baby!

Lindsey pushed powerfully and purposefully from 2:00 am until 3:17 am, at which time she delivered a 7 pound, 5 ounce baby boy named Kalin Robinson. He measured 20.5 inches long and received apgars of 8 and 8.

Lindsey and Kasey rejoiced! He’s here! He’s here! The prayers of many were answered. Those with the immense privilege of being at the hospital rejoiced! The traveling sisters rejoiced! Lindsey’s mother and aunt rejoiced! Those receiving the news by phone rejoiced!

Kalin, we are so blessed that you are here!

Here are a couple of observations for you courtesy of your Aunt Koni (one of the traveling sisters and honored to attend your mom and dad during this labor and delivery):

You have a wonderful mom. Don’t mistake her quiet demeanor for weakness. She is strong. She is long-suffering and is unafraid to ask for what she thinks is best. You should obey her. When you do you will find that it will go well with you.

You have a fantastic dad. Watch him – in the way he loves your mom he is painting a picture for you. It is a mysterious picture about Christ and the Church. He will paint it with his actions, and he will paint it with his words. Watch, and listen.

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