Friday, October 31, 2008

"Me" Time...and not a moment too soon.

Having a couple of hours all to myself, away from home and away from Kalin, made me feel like a new woman. I was refreshed and full of energy. Last night I ate dinner as fast as I could when Kasey got home then ran out of the house. I was off to get my hair cut and do some shopping. I felt least for a few hours :-) I even opted to spend the extra $5 and get a shampoo...I mean, when was the last time somebody washed my hair FOR me?!?! Of course, the decision wasn't too hard since I was using a gift certificate that I had received from my sister for my birthday (Thanks Bekah!!). Then it was off to K-Mart to look for some warm-ups (which, sadly, I didn't find) and then to Safeway for some groceries. I'm not sure I had realized just how much I needed this break until I had it. Except for an hour every Sunday during church and maybe a couple of "date nights" for Kasey and I, I think I have been with Kalin 24/7 since he was born. I think I need more time off. I KNOW I need more time off. I love spending time with him and wouldn't give up my stay-at-home mom job for anything, but I have been severely lacking in the "me" time.

I also started to spend my birthday and gift cards yesterday. I've never been a big shopper but it has also been a LONG time since I bought something for myself. It was so much fun to browse online and see what I WANTED to buy, not what I NEEDED to buy. Add to that the fact that it started raining yesterday morning, and you have an almost perfect day!! I was giddy with excitement about my purchases, the weather, and the anticipation of my night "out on the town". It was a great day.

Now it's Friday. It's rained more today(Yippee!!) with more in the forecast for this weekend, it's pay day (Yippee!!), it's almost the weekend (Yippee!!) and my parents are coming up tomorrow (Yippee!!). Kalin is down for his second nap of the day and I'm hoping maybe this lull in the rain will hold off just for a couple of hours so Kalin and I can fit an afternoon walk in when he wakes up. I'll probably take an umbrella though, just in case. I'm happy.

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