Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Giving Thanks

With Thanksgiving fast approaching I decided that it was time to look back over the last year (and what a year it has been!!) and make my list of things that I am thankful for. It's crazy to think that just a year ago: Kasey had just started his new job at Bethany, we were still living with my parents but looking forward to moving into our house on campus, I was 8 months pregnant, and we were looking forward to a trip down south for Thanksgiving and a baby shower. Now here we are with a 10 1/2 month old and again looking forward to a trip down south for Thanksgiving!! Here is my list, in no particular order:

  1. God's infinite knowledge and control over Kalin's birth - allowing him to be born a few days early on Dec. 31, 2007 which allowed us to claim him on our taxes which helped sustain us financially through this year.

  2. Kalin's safe arrival and a healthy first year.

  3. My mom's willingness to spend those first few days with us giving me some additional time to recover.

  4. Family who is always ready and willing to babysit so Kasey and I can have dates.

  5. A job for Kasey that allows us to live on campus (affordably) and where Kasey can come home for lunch to visit.

  6. Family who gives good advice and not unwanted advice that makes me feel like a stupid, ignorant first-time mom.

  7. A peaceful sleeping baby.

  8. An active little boy who keeps me on my toes and also makes me laugh everyday.

  9. A husband who takes an active and hands-on approach to being a father.

  10. In-laws who don't get mad at me when I forget to send pictures for months at a time.

  11. The TODAY show on NBC

  12. Twisted Peppermint scented soap from Bath and Body Works.

  13. A husband who lets me watch and listen to Christmas-themed movies and music WHENEVER I want.

  14. Being able to go on nice, long walks and visit my husband at work.

  15. A baby who has only been sick a couple of times so far.

  16. 16. Family who is generous with both their time and money.

  1. 17. That Kalin won't be in diapers forever.

18. A baby who brings joy and laughter to just about everybody he meets.

19. Non-skid socks and pj's so Kalin can walk on the kitchen floor.

20. The Dollar Store where everything really is $1.

21. Finally getting 8+ hours of sleep every night!!

I'm sure there are others that I've forgotten to write down but this gives an idea of what is on my mind this holiday season.

Ok, so my list is done, next we have Thanksgiving Day with family, food, and football. And then, it's time for the rest of the world to move on to the Christmas season!! Woo hoo!!!

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