Friday, December 26, 2008

Baby on the Go!! - Month 7 (July)

Kalin and his cousin Hailee meet for a 3rd time on the 4th of July!! Aren't they just the cutest?

Kalin's first time in a swimming pool!! He wasn't too impressed at first but later had fun bouncing with Aunt Kami.

He's on the go!! Kalin started crawling this month!!

Once he had learned how to roll over, this became his favorite sleeping position. We asked the doctor about it because you're still supposed to be putting them down on their backs at this age. He said what we had suspected: there's not much you can do if they keep rolling over. It's so cute.

Happy, happy boy!!

He's driving?!?!

He liked to play with the baby in the mirror. Sometimes he would turn the mirror over trying to figure out where the baby was. He wasn't too bright.

He made a mess...the first of many.

Sitting up and reading a book.

He was a very happy boy this month.

He reminds me of Schroeder from Peanuts.

This is what he would do when he was trying to stand up.

His first cute big-boy outfit. It was cute khaki shorts and a collared, button-up shirt.

Hanging out after a swim.

This is how we wished Kasey's mom a happy birthday since we couldn't be with her.

He had to move on to big, adult towels. He just got too big for the hooded baby towels.

He was starting to pull up on things and climb onto his bouncer.

I love how straight babies sit. They have such good posture!! And his little grin just cracked me up.

There are very few times in a person's life where it's funny to be covered in food. Being a baby who is learning to eat is one of them.

He loved playing with the new toy at Grammie's house. He was concerned for the bee and kept trying to get it out.

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