Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane (I wish)

Kalin got what I call "his first big-boy injury". He got into a scuffle with the parking lot and ended up with scratches on his eyelid and eyebrow. As our pastor, Mike Fitzgerald, told Kalin, "The parking lot will almost always win...even when you're older". So true.
On Saturday morning, Kalin and I got ready alot earlier than we're used to, and headed to the San Francisco airport with my parents to pick my sister up who was flying in from China. This was Kalin's first time in an airport so we had to get a picture with him in front of some kind of sign that looked "airport-y". As I was walking through the airport, I realized that I haven't flown anywhere in a year and a half. For somebody who, for 4 years, was accustomed to flying at least 4 times a year, this is a major difference. I miss it. I love flying. Of course, the last time I flew anywhere, I was about 12 weeks pregnant and throwing up (both on the plane and off). So that wasn't the best experience...but I still miss flying.

Even though I had been showing Kalin pictures of his Aunt Jessi, it took him a few minutes to warm up to her. They have not seen each other since he was a month old. They quickly became good friends though and had some fun together this weekend.

Kalin will be almost anybody's friend if they have Cheerios and cheese to offer.

Don't worry, we didn't actually let him drive us home.

Since it was such a beautiful day (no rain!) we decided to take a walk along West Cliff.
Sunday after church, Kasey, Kalin and I headed to Watsonville where we would meet up with the rest of my family at my Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle's house to make Christmas cookies!! Before we could do that though, Kasey and I needed lunch and to finish up our Christmas shopping at Target. We were very successful and made some wonderful purchases. Kalin kept getting himself into trouble: standing up in the front of the cart, grabbing anything he could get his hands onto, and ripping the pop-up book I was going to buy for his stocking (I still bought it since he ripped it, I'll tape the broken piece back on). I was glad to finally be done and get him back into the car and then to a place where he could run around and play.

He had so much fun playing with Legos, first with my mom, then with my dad and sister.

It was a very busy weekend. And a very fun weekend.

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